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Get Your Questions Answered. Call For Your Free 30 Min Evaluation Today! (310) 982-2291

  • By: Moss Bollinger
  • Published: February 8, 2021
A person using a megaphone near another person’s ear- Moss Bollinger LLP

Bullying has been trending on social media and in the news for years. The focus has been on young children through their teenage years and the impact that bullying has had in driving young people to suicide or developing significant mental health issues. Unfortunately for some, bullying doesn’t end at high school and a surprising many people actually find themselves the victim bullying in the workplace. And the impact of bullying can be just as devastating as an adult.

What Workplace Bullying May Look Like

Bullying from a supervisor or co-worker(s) in the workplace can take on many different forms. To illustrate, this may include:

  • Vandalism. An employee’s personal property is destroyed, stolen, or hidden.
  • Persistent “pranks”. A person is singled out and subjected to unwanted pranks and jokes.
  • Insults. An employee is the subject of constant insults and criticisms that are personal or professional and are meant to degrade the employee’s self-esteem.
  • Acts of sabotage. An employee’s work is intentionally destroyed or steps are taken to negatively interfere with their job functions.
  • Undermining. A co-worker takes credit for another employee’s work or is methodically attempting to undermine the other employee’s chances at career advancement.
  • Threats and aggression. This may include threats involving an employee’s job security. At its worst, this includes verbal and physical aggression, threat of force, or actual use of force to intimidate or injure another employee.
  • Punishment. This encompasses adverse employment decisions, including demotions, reduction in wages, denial of promotions, and other negative personnel action without a reason.
  • Humiliation in front of others or behind your back. An employee is the subject of insulting comments, emails, messages, and outright verbal statements made to disparage the person personally or professionally.

Bullying May Violate Numerous Federal and State Laws

Bullying in the workplace is harmful and wrong. Not only does bullying reduce your morale and productivity, but it can have a devastating and long-term impact on your physical and emotional health. In addition, if the abusive conduct is more than just a one time occurrence, it can constitute a violation of your legal rights. Federal and California laws create strong protections for employees regarding discrimination, retaliation, and harassment. An attorney can help you assess whether the abusive conduct you are being exposed to is unlawful.

Contact Moss Bollinger

If you feel like you have been the victim of persistent, abusive bullying in the workplace, you need to contact an attorney. California has some of the strongest employee protections in the nation and we understand how the law works. At Moss Bollinger, we will make sure that your voice is heard. We charge no fees up front and only get paid if you do. Call us today at (310) 982-2291 for a free consultation or complete our online form.

Moss Bollinger LLP - Sherman Oaks, CA

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