What Are Common Warning Signs of Workplace Discrimination?

workplace discrimination

Workplace discrimination can be a confusing concept. So it's best to begin any discussion with a definition. Workplace discrimination is when an employer treats one of their workers less favorably than another worker (or workers) based on a specific trait or characteristic like national origin, race, age, gender, pregnancy, or disability. Once the issue is defined, the next step is learning to identify instances of workplace discrimination.

Workplace Discrimination: Common Warning Signs

Harmful jokes regarding a worker's gender, race, sexual orientation, national orientation, religion, disability, etc.

Persistent bullying or "hazing"

Physical harassment

Disparate treatment amongst the workforce

Workplace Discrimination is Illegal Under Federal and State Law:

While workplace discrimination is illegal under federal and state law, it can be difficult to prove - particularly when it occurs during the hiring process. Many employers violate the law during the hiring process when they pass up job applicants for discriminatory reasons. If you believe a potential employer passed you by for employment due to discriminatory reasons, contact an experienced employment law attorney to discuss your case. A good employment law attorney can help you identify whether or not you should file a claim against the company.

Can You Report Workplace Discrimination?

While employees can report workplace discrimination to the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or EEOC, it is recommended that you speak with an employment law attorney first. Without an attorney on your side, it is more likely that your employer could retaliate. Some forms of workplace retaliation can take include demotions, reassignments, pay cuts, employment termination, etc. An attorney can help you gather the evidence you support your claim and assist you in the claims process. If necessary, they can also file a lawsuit to help you protect your rights in the workplace.

If you need to discuss employment law violations, contact Moss Bollinger, Sherman Oaks, California employment law attorney. He's dedicated to protecting and asserting the rights of his clients. Call 866-942-7974 today for a free consultation, or contact us online.

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